Combined DefenseAcademy(CDS)is the most notable part of Indian Armed Forces that offers a golden
chance to the aspiring individuals to serve the countery.The CDS entrance exam is cconducted at a
minimum of two times in a year in October and February months respectively, to grant the appicants,
an opportunity to get themselves induced towards training camps accmmodated in the respective
academies. The candidate can apply OTA,IMA,IAFA and INA.
Scheme of CDS Exam:
The papers in all the subjects will consist of objective MCQ type quetions only. 2. The CDS Exam is
an offline exam. 3. Total number of Questions: 120 4. There is a negativ marking of 0.33 Marks. 5.
All measures in the paper will be in SI units and candidates should use only International form of
numerals (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc.) while answering the questions papers. 6. The qualifying marks for
the examination will be fixed at the discretion of the UPC commission. 7. Use of calculators is
prohibited while writing the exam.
Educational requirement:
Degree from a recognized university or similar education will go. Selection Process for UPSC CDS Exams: The selection process is based totally on the basis of performance in written exam & interview.
CDS (1 & 2) Written Exam Pattern
Written exam format for admission to Indian Naval Academy, Indian Military Academy and Air Force
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