Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya – GKV MCA Entrance Exam
MCA Entrance Exam
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya – GKV MCA Entrance Exam
GKV MCA Entrance Exam
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya invites applications from the eligible candidates for GKV MCA Entrance Exam for admission to MCA Course for the academic year .
MCA Courses Offered in Different Campus :
Kanya Gurukula Campus , Dehradun ( for female candidates only )
GKV MCA Eligibility Criteria
Graduate with minimum 50% marks and Mathematics as one subject at the Intermediate ( 10+2 ) level.
The relaxation in the minimum percentage of marks in the qualifying examination and in the reservation of seats for SC / ST / OBC / PWD categories shall be as per the rules of UGC / Central Government.
Number of seats for MSc / MCA : Seats filled on the basis of GKV MCA Entrance Test :
Male Group : 44 seats
Female Group : 44 seats
For NRI candidates Male Group : 2 seats
For NRI candidates Female Group : 2 seats
Note : Number of seats can be changed without any prior notice. The vacant NRI / Sponsored / NRI Sponsored seats ( if any ) may be filled on the basis of merit list of the GKV MCA Entrance Examination.
Reservation Category :
B : 27% ( Non – creamy layer )*
C : 15%
D : 7.5%
E : 3% ( Horizontal )
F : 20% of the seats filled on the basis of entrance test ( Horizontal )
Note :For O.B.C. Category, Caste Certificate issued by the Government of India will be accepted only.
Reservation category B, E & F seats, if vacant, may be filled amongst general category candidates.
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya MCA Entrance Exam will be conducted in the English Language.
GKV MCA Entrance Exam Marks distribution will be as follows :
Mathematics & Statistics : 70 Marks
Mental Ability : 15 Marks
General Awareness : 15 Marks
GKV MCA Application Form
GKV MCA Application Form and Information Brochure for entrance examination can be obtained from the office of the following address :
The Registrar,
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya,
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya MCA Application Form can be obtained by paying Rupee 800/- in cash or by sending a demand draft of Rupee 850/- to the Registrar, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar.
The demand draft should be in favour of “Registrar, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya” payable at Haridwar.
The candidates appearing in the final year of qualifying examination ( except N.R.I. / Sponsored / N.R.I. Sponsored / Foreign candidates ) are also eligible to apply. Such candidates will have to submit compulsorily their complete final result of qualifying examination upto October , failing which their admission shall be treated as cancelled.
Filled in application form for entrance examination may be submitted to the office of Registrar, Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar. Candidate may also download application form from Vishwavidyalaya website & submit completely filled in application along with demand draft of Rupee 800/-
Note : No examination fee shall be paid by the candidate while submitting application form. However, downloaded application from website will only be accepted along with requisite fee ( Rupee 800/-).
Write the name of the course applied on the top of the envelop and your name and course on the back of the demand draft while demanding application
Sponsored /N.R.I / N.R.I. Sponsored / Foreign candidates will have to submit compulsorily the complete result of the qualifying examination along with application
GKV MCA Admit Card
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya MCA Admit Cards shall be despatched by Registered Post. If any candidate does not receive the admit card before three days of the date of entrance examination, he / she should contact the Registrar office personally along with with documentary evidence.
In case the candidate does not receive the admit card or loses it, he / she can get duplicate admit card by paying Rupee 50/- in cash and submitting a passport size photograph.
Vishwavidyalaya shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
If the information furnished by the candidate is found false his / her eligibility shall be cancelled even after issuing the admit card.
*Examination centre may be changed if the number of the candidates are less than 50.
(A) Mathematics & Statistics ( 70 Marks )
Linear Algebra ( 10 Marks ) : Solution of simultaneous equations, addition and multiplication of matrices, computation of inverse and rank of matrix, vector spaces sub spaces, bases and dimensions, linear transformation.
Co – ordinate Geometry ( 10 Marks ) : Circles, tangent and normal, orthogonal circles, coaxial system of circles, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola, their equations in standard form and simple properties.
Differential and Integral Calculus ( 10 Marks ) : Differentiation of algebaric, exponential and logarithmic functions, Application to simple problems of maxima and minima, partial differentiation of the functions of two variables, integration of functions by substitution, partial fractions, integration by parts. Definite integrals and their properties for finding areas, volumes and surfaces of simple curves, simpson’s and trapezoidal rules.
Differential and Difference Equations ( 10 Marks ) : Linear differential equation of first degree and first order, difference equations of first order.
Vector ( 10 Marks ) : Vector product of two vectors, scalar triple product and vector triple product, differentiation and integration of vectors.
Number System ( 10 Marks ) : Natural numbers, integers, rational and irrational numbers, complex and real numbers, binary numbers.
Statistics ( 10 Marks ) : Theory of probability, Averages dispersion, cofficient of variation, skewness, coefficient of correlation and interpolation, fitting of curves, method of least squares, Binomal, Poisson and normal distribution.
(B) Mental Ability ( 15 Marks )
Series, figure, characters, words etc. matching and sequence completeness, logical functions, truth tables etc.
(C) General Awareness ( 15 Marks )
About current affairs and computers.
To know more about GKV MCA Counselling Click Here
GKV MCA Important Dates
Contact Details
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidayalaya,
P.O Gurukula Kangri,
Haridwar – 249 404,
Telephone No. : 01334 – 249013,
Email :,
Website :