NIMCET MCA TEST SERIES exam preparation includes 50+ MOCK TESTS and AI analytics to identify strong and weak points with sols. and ALL PREVIOUS YR. solved papers of NIMCET.Get access to Telegram Discussion group to seek support from INFOMATHS faculy
NIMCET MCA Test Series is prepared by top notch faculty having 25+ years of academic experience. The tests are designed considering the previous exam pattern and difficulty level with enough variations to save you from negative surprises. The chapter wise and sectional tests will allow you to identify your strengths & weaknesses and focus efforts accordingly. Finally, our data driven performance analysis is extremely important from strategic perspective as it helps in formulation of actual exam tactics. You also get access to Telegram Discussion group to seek support from INFOMATHS faculty and your peers anytime.
NIMCET MCA TEST SERIES exam preparation includes 50+ MOCK TESTS and AI analytics to identify strong and weak points with solutions and ALL PREVIOUS YEAR solved papers of NIMCET
This Prep Course program has been designed to enhance student’s preparation through a personalized curriculum that will speed-up the learning before the exam. Make best use of the time to learn shortcuts, tricks and other helpful tips from our expert faculty.Get national ranking for mocks and AI based test analytics to identify strong and weak points and formulate success strategy.
With over 25+ years of experience; infomaths faculty is a brilliant mix of test prep gurus, curriculum experts and industry leaders with experience of more than 25+ years . We have produced numerous -MCA successful toppers. Our top-notch experts have helped thousands of MCA aspirants realize their dreams of getting admissions in the best MCA colleges & be placed in top companies for over two decades now.
National Institutes of Technology (NITs) are Institutions of National Importance Under Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. The NIMCET is a Common Entrance National Level Test, conducted by any of the NITs, for admission in to their MCA programme. The MCA programme is offered by NITs at Agartala, Allahabad, Bhopal, Jamshedpur, Kurukshetra, Raipur, Surathkal, Tiruchirappalli and Warangal.
NOTE: Students who have completed/completing Bachelor Degree Program as (B.Sc./ B.Sc. (Hons)/BCA/ BIT) of 3 years from Open Universities are also eligible to apply provided the program is approved by UGC / AICTE and Distance Education Council (DEC) of Govt. of India
AWARD OF MARKS · Each correctly answered question will be awarded full marks and each wrongly answered question will lead to 25% NEGATIVE mark. · The candidates are advised not to attempt such questions if they are not sure of the correct answer. No deduction from the total score will, however, be made if a question is unanswered. · More than one answer indicated against a question will be negatively marked. · The candidates have to mark the responses as per the instructions appearing in the screen of NIMCETonline examination.
MATHEMATICS: (50 QUESTIONS) · Set Theory: Concept of sets – Union, Intersection, Cardinality, Elementary counting; permutations and combinations. · Probability and Statistics: Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, Dependent and independent events, frequency distributions, measures of central tendencies and dispersions. · Algebra: Fundamental operations in algebra, expansions, factorization, simultaneous linear /quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, determinants and matrices. · Coordinate Geometry: Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, distance formulae, equation of a line, and intersection of lines, pair of straight lines, equations of a circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. · Calculus: Limit of functions, continuous function, differentiation of function, tangents and normals, simple examples of maxima and minima. Integration of functions by parts, by substitution and by partial fraction, definite integrals, applications of definite integrals to areas. · Vectors: Position vector, addition and subtraction of vectors, scalar and vector products and their applications to simple geometrical problems and mechanics. · Trigonometry: Simple identities, trigonometric equations, properties of triangles, solution of triangles, heights and distances, general solutions of trigonometric equations.
ANALYTICAL ABILITY & LOGICAL REASONING: (40 QUESTIONS) · The questions in this section will cover logical situation and questions based on the facts given in the passage.
COMPUTER AWARENESS: (20 QUESTIONS) · Computer Basics: Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), structure of instructions in CPU, input/output devices, computer memory, and back-up devices. · Data Representation: Representation of characters, integers and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, binary arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams
GENERAL ENGLISH: (10 QUESTIONS) Questions in this section will be designed to test the candidates’ general understanding of the English language. There will be questions on the following topics: Comprehension, vocabulary, Basic English Grammar (like usage of correct forms of verbs, prepositions and articles), word power, synonyms and antonyms, meaning of words and phrases, technical writing
Course Details
The NIMCET MCA Prep Course is designed to boost your preparation for one of India's most prestigious MCA NITS institutes – Trichy,Surathkal,Warangal,Kurukshetra,Allahabad,Bhopal,Jamshedpur,Raipur, Agartala, HCU,HBTU Kanpur, IP DELHI .. This course includes live lectures, recorded concept clarity classes, tests from areas that feature in NIMCET like Maths,Quantitative Aptitude, English and Logical Reasoning & Data Interpretation. Get national ranking for mocks and AI based test analytics to identify strong and weak points and formulate success strategy.
What you will learn
· Advanced concepts, theory and definitions of different topics
· Revision of important related concepts
· Shortcuts, tips and tricks to solve questions in less time
· Different strategies to attempt NIMCET