Exam – Dates, Registration, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern
Aligarh Muslim University Entrance Exam for Master of Computer Application or AMU Entrance Exam MCA is the entrance examination for admission to MCA. AMU Entrance Exam MCA is conducted by Aligarh Muslim University.
The exam is in written mode. The duration of the exam will be 120 minutes. It is being conducted in English language.
AMU Entrance Exam MCA Conducting Body
Aligarh Muslim University
AMU Entrance Exam MCA Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualifications:
The Minimum Academic Qualifications for AMU Entrance Exam MCA required are passed or are appearing in B. Tech. / B. Arch. / B.E. or equivalent examination from a recognized board.
The subjects required for eligibility are Mathematics along with any two of the following subjects statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Application, Computer Maintenance, Information Technology as main or subsidiary subject at the qualifying examination this University with not less than 55% marks in theory subjects in aggregate.
Qualifying marks:
The qualifying marks in Graduation for each category are as follows:
All Categories 55%
Age Limit: The student should be 27 years of age by July 1, to be eligible to take the MCA.
AMU Entrance Exam MCA Important Dates
To get all details about AMU Entrance Exam MCA Download Brochure
Form handling Office of the Controller of Examinations, AMU, Aligarh 202002
AMU Entrance Exam MCA Application Form
Application Form Fee
Without Late Fee: Rs. 500/-
With Late Fee: Rs. 800/-
More Information
Entrance Exam Patterns:
There shall be one objective type paper of 100 marks
Mathematics and Statistics: 50 Questions
Physics: 20 Questions
Computer Science: 20 Questions
AMU Entrance Exam MCA Syllabus
The Questions for the test shall be based from a Common Syllabus as notified in the Prospectus or Information Brochure of AMU Entrance Exam M.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) exam as set by the AMU. One is required to study according to the given Syllabus.
Logical Ability, Deductive Ability & Reasoning
This syllabus can also be viewed on the official website.
The Subjects included for AMU Entrance Exam MCA Exam are:
Mathematics and Statistics
Computer Science
Logical ability, deductive ability and reasoning
Before entering the Exam Centre
Try to reach the exam centre one hour prior to the time advised in the admit card.
Before leaving for the site, please have a hearty breakfast or light lunch depending on the session. Drink plenty of fluids; as in summers dehydration can set in affecting your performance in the exam.
Have a cookie or a chocolate just before entering the centre; this prevents hypoglycaemia and thus helps you stay alert longer improving your results.
If it is a busy centre, then don’t wait till last for the entry and security check.
Centre will not allow you to enter after the stipulated time of closing the doors.
Admission to the Exam Centre is with the Admit Card; no candidates shall be admitted to the test without the production of the Admit Card at the Test Centre.
Usually no bags are allowed.
No eatables are allowed.
No communication equipment such as mobile phones / pager/ wireless set, scanner, camera or any such electronic / digital gadget etc are allowed in the exam centre; carrying one will lead to disqualification.
Calculators are allowed/not allowed in the exam.
Candidates to/not to bring their own pens/pencils into the exam hall
After entering the centre
Once candidates enter the centre, they should locate their designated hall and seat.
If mentioned, candidates will be hand frisked as well as photographed or video graphed before entering the centre
After all the formalities, candidates should enter the allotted hall and take the designated seat.
No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall/room before the expiry of half of the time allotted for the respective paper.
For Objective Type question papers, rough work is to be done in the space provided for this purpose. No rough work is allowed on the OMR Answer Sheet under any situation.
Questions have to be answered on the answer sheet only.