CUET stands for Central Universities Common Entrance Test Eligibility for MCA/Msc. A national entrance test is administered by the NTA. The exam is given via a computer-based online platform.
Graduates in computer science, computer application, or a related field are required for admission to the MCA programme. At the graduation level, a minimum overall score of 50% is necessary. Additionally, candidates must have taken mathematics as a major in their 12th-grade year.
There is no upper age limit for CUET (PG) Registration candidates. Regardless of age, candidates may appear for the CUET (PG) exam if they have satisfactorily completed the requirements for a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
If you want any information regarding CUET Program you can contact us directly.
Thinking and Decision-Making:
Part A:
25 Hindi/English language-based questions
Comprehension/Verbal Ability , unfamiliar relationships, finding patterns and trends, Assessment of figures & diagrams, Creative thinking
• Geometrical designs &Identification
• Choosing of related letters, words, numbers, and figures
• Identification of odd thing / item out from a group
• Completion of numerical series based on the pattern /logic
• Fill in the blanks Based on the numerical pattern and logical structure of the series
• Syllogisms (logic-based questions), selection of correct answers based on the logic Mathematics:
• Set Theory: • Set Theory: Permutations and combinations; the concept of sets, including Union, Intersection, Cardinality, and Elementary Counting.
• Probability and Statistics: Theoretical foundations of probability, Averages, Dependent and Independent Events, Frequency Distributions, Measures of Central Tendencies and Dispersions, etc.
• Algebra: Basic algebraic operations, factorization, simultaneous linear and quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, determinants, and matrices .
• Coordinate Geometry: Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, formulas for calculating distance, equations for intersecting straight lines and circles, equations for parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas, and pairs of straight lines.
• Calculus: Function differentiation, tangents, normals, and simple examples of maxima and minima are some of the terms used to describe limits of functions. Applications of definite integrals to areas include the integration of functions by parts, via substitution, and by partial fraction.
• Vectors: Position vector, vector addition and subtraction, scalar and vector products, and their applications to basic geometrical issues and mechanics are all examples of vector concepts.
• Trigonometry: Simple identities, trigonometric equations, triangle characteristics, triangle solutions, heights and distances, and general trigonometric equation solutions.
Computer Awareness::
• Computer Basics: A computer's architecture, the Central Processing Unit (CPU), the way instructions are organized in the CPU, input/output devices, computer memory, and backup devices.
• Data Representation: Representation of characters, integers and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, binary arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams.