BIT Mesra MCA Admission – 2nd Provisional Selection List (Out)

Get all the details regarding BIT Mesra MCA Admission including Eligibility Criteria, Application Form, Selection Procedure and other information related to BIT Mesra MCA Admission on this page. Here are some of the important dates of BIT Mesra MCA Admission to start with.

1 Filling of online form commences from 02 Mar
2 Last date for submission of online application 10 Jun
3 Availability of Admit card 30 May
4 Date for Online Entrance Test 14 Jun
5 Interview Date 03 – 09 Jun
6 Declaration of 1st Provisional Selection List along with complete merit list 22 Jun 15 Jun
7 Declaration of 2nd Provisional Selection List Last week of Jun 27 June
8 vacant seats 2nd week of Jul
9 Commerce of class 2nd / 3rd week of Jul
Eligibility Criteria

BIT Mesra MCA Admission Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for the MCA Programme may please be read as follows as per the last year:

The candidates must have passed in Mathematics / Computer Science / Information Practices as one of the subjects in Class 12 / Equivalent Examination.

Candidates must hold a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification of any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislatures in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India / AIU. This degree must entail a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling [Class 12 or equivalent] (10+2+3 system).

Candidates must have one of the following qualifications:
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), or
B.Sc. in Computer Science I Information Technology / Electronics, or
B.Sc. with Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at the graduate level.
Candidates with above-mentioned qualifications (item-3) must have minimum 55% (50% for SC/ST/PWD) marks in average in graduation, marks to be computed as the average of marks obtained in all subjects in which candidate has appeared.

Candidates with B.Sc. Honours must have minimum 55% (50% for SC/ST/PwD) marks in average in their Honours subject.

Candidates appearing for final examinations of their Bachelor’s programme in can also apply, provided they have obtained requisite marks or equivalent (as per item 4 or 5 above) based on latest available grades/marks at the time of applying, and if selected can join the programme provisionally. At the time of reporting for the verification of documents cum admission, such an applicant must bring a certificate in original from the Principal of Institute stating that:

Candidates with qualifications acquired through correspondence or distance-learning programmes are eligible only if (a) the programmes are recognized by the DEC-IGNOU, (b) they have passed the qualifying examination at the time of applying, with minimum 55% marks in average (50% for SC/ST/PwD) calculated as per item (4 or 5) above. They must enclose photocopies of pass certificate, mark sheets of qualifying examination and proof of the programme recognized by the DEC-IGNOU in the letterhead of the Institute/College /University. with their application. [Appearing candidate in distance learning programmes, whose results are yet to be declared, are not eligible to apply].

Exam Pattern

BIT Mesra MCA Admission Exam Pattern
Duration: 2 Hours
Total No of Questions: 120
Type of Questions: MCQs
Marking Scheme: For each correct answer, a candidate will earn 4 marks. For every incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted. If a question has not been attempted no credit will be given.

The questions will be distributed into various areas as follows and the detailed syllabus is given below:

Section Subject No. of Questions
A Mathematics 60
B Analytical ability & Logical Reasoning 20
C Computer Awareness 20
D English 20

IT Mesra MCA Admission Selection Procedure
The provisional selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate in MCA Online Entrance Test conducted by the Institute.

Candidates called for the verification of documents will be offered admission subject to fulfillment of the eligibility conditions.

The waitlisted candidates may be called for verification of documents and admission against the vacant seats, if any, in successive rounds, as required. The same will be intimated on the Institute website only as web notifications. No separate intimation will be sent to candidates.

Cancellation of Admission Offer: The admission of a candidate will be automatically cancelled:
If any information provided in the application form is found incorrect or missing.
who fail to submit the final degree/qualifying examination in time as stipulated or fail to secure minimum eligible marks in the degree/qualifying examination.

Documents required at the time of reporting for Admission
Candidates must carry the originals of the following documents at the time of reporting for admission cum verification of documents, as well as one set of self-attested photocopies:

A print-out of the duly completed online form (original copy)
One recent colour photograph – [same as uploaded on the form]
Payment receipt towards application fee of Rs.2,500/- (General/ OBC) and Rs.1,500/- (SC/ST) candidates (non-refundable)
Pass certificate of Class 10 (as proof of age)
Marksheet of Class 10
Marksheet of Class 12 / Intermediate or equivalent
Marksheets of Graduation for graduates OR Marksheets up to a pre-final year for candidates graduating in . He /She must also bring a certificate from the Principal of Institute stating that:

by 30 June , he/she will have appeared for the examination in all subjects required for obtaining his/her Bachelor’s degree.
He/she has obtained requisite marks or equivalent based on latest available grades/marks.

They should also carry a photocopy of their duly completed online form.

If provisionally selected, candidates will be required to submit all the above documents in original (except the Photo ID) at the time of admission, along with the requisite fees.

Provisionally selected candidates appearing for final examinations in will be required to submit an undertaking at the time of admission on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 20/- to the effect that if they fail to obtain the requisite marks in their qualifying examination (graduation) their admission will liable to be canceled. The deadline for submission of the mark sheet/degree certificate is 31 October , failing which the provisional admission will be canceled.

BIT Mesra MCA Admission Reservations
Currently, the Institute follows reservations as given below for its MCA programme.
For all programs at the Institute which are supported by any of the respective State Governments, the reservation criteria for the state quota are as per the norms of the respective State Government.

For all other programs the reservation criteria for SC & ST are as per the statutory norms of Central Govt. (SC -15% & ST – 7.5%)

The Institute observes statutory reservation for Persons with Disability (5%).
Up to 1 seat at all Campuses is reserved for candidates who are Sons or Daughters of Kashmiri Migrant who otherwise have qualified for admissions.

Up to 6% of the seats at its Off Campuses are reserved for candidates who are sons and daughters of serving employees of BIT, who otherwise have qualified for admissions.

At all Campuses, 50% of the total seats are reserved for candidates who have passed/are appearing for qualifying examination (graduation) from the state in which Campus is located. (The “State of Eligibility” of a candidate for the purpose will be determined on the basis of the location of his/her College where (s)/he has passed/is appearing for the qualifying examination/graduation).

Note: In case sufficient numbers of suitable candidates from any group are not available, the Institute reserves the right to fill the seats from the other group.

BIT Mesra MCA Fee Structure
The fee structure for the full-time MCA programme at Mesra and its Extension Centres for Batch is provided below.

S No. Particulars 1st Sem 2nd Sem 3rd Sem 4th Sem 5th Sem 6th Sem
1 Tuition Fee 98500 98500 109000 109000 120000 120000
2 Development Fee 7000 7000 7500 7500 8000 8000
3 Institute Exam Fee 5500 5500 6000 6000 6500 6500
Sub-Total 111000 111000 122500 122500 134500 134500
Hostel Seat Rent*,
Electricity and Transport etc.
(For Main Campus at Mesra only)
13500 13500 14500 14500 15500 15500

*Hostel fees are subject to revision in future

Additional amount to be paid at the time of admission

S No. Particulars Fee
1 Admission Fee (One time only) Rs. 15,000.00
2 Caution Money (One-time only-Refundable) Rs. 10,000.00
Sub-Total Rs. 25,000.00

For more details of BIT Mesra MCA Admission – Download Information Brochure.

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